Friday, January 17, 2014

Briser la routine

Mercredi soir, après mon cours d’éthique et recherche en santé, je suis allée écouter Rayannah qui était de passage à Montréal. Je me suis rendue au Upstairs Bar & Grill (dont j’ai beaucoup aimé l’ambiance soit dit-en-passant) vers 20h25, à temps pour le début de son premier set à 20h30. J'ai prit un café et un dessert et écouté ses belle mélodies pendant 2 heures.
J'étais très fatiguée dans le métro en revenant mais ça a fait du bien de changer la routine de la semaine et faire quelque chose de spécial comme ça. En plus, c'est toujours super de revoir des visages du Manitoba! 

Merci à Rayannah et Graham, bon reste de tournée!

Monday, January 13, 2014

"I'm not dead. Let's have dinner" (Holidays Part 1)

Happy New Year!
May 2014 be filled with new adventures.

Master procrastinator that I am, I haven't written anything here in a long while so this post was meant to cover anything interesting that might have happened since last time.

I got to go home to Winnipeg for the holidays and see all (well almost) my favorite people! While it was FREEZING there, I've certainly felt warm enough being surrounded by all of my friends.

End of cheesy spiel

The highlight of this trip was certainly the 5 days spent at a cabin my friends and I rented in Gimli. We were pretty much completely cut from the world (read no cell signal or internet) and it made for a great getaway. We played games, went on walks, cross-country skiing, ate, read and caught up. Most of us hadn't seen each other for some months and it was so great to have everyone under one roof.