Monday, November 11, 2013

Soupe à l'oignon gratinée / French Onion Soup

Le temps froid est arrivé, peu de choses sont aussi réconfortantes qu'un bon bol de soupe. Un bol de soupe avec du fromage fondu? Encore mieux.

Ce midi j'ai préparé une version simple et facilement adaptable de soupe à l'oignon gratinée.

It's getting cold out there, few things are as comforting as a nice big bowl of soup. Soup with cheese? Even better.

I made some French onion soup for lunch. Very easy version I make when I'm impatient. 

Start by melting some butter and/or olive oil in a pan or pot.

Add some sliced onions, I used 3 relatively small ones for 2 or 3 servings. This soup it better with sweet onions but I use whatever is in the pantry. Today it's local yellow onions.
Let them cook and caramelize for at least 10-15 minutes and up to 30 minutes. The softer the better. Builds more flavour. But I was hungry, so about 15 minutes.

Once they were golden brown and soft I added some thyme, rosemary, Worcestershire sauce and deglazed with some leftover white wine. Let that reduce for a bit and add chicken and/or beef broth. This time it was powdered beef broth concentrate and water. 

Let that get acquainted and bubbly and pour into oven safe bowls.
Then grab a slice of bread and some cheese, preferable a stronger cheese and one that melts well. I used a mix of Swiss and Mozzarella. 
This is a time to use good, crusty (or even stale) bread, I used regular whole wheat sandwich bread.

Place it under the broiler for a few minutes and eat up!
Make sure you keep an eye on it, cheese burns, broilers are powerful. I learned this the hard way...
Bon appétit! 

I didn't really measure anything but adapted from here: Lightened onion soup with fresh cheese croutons
Je n'ai rien mesuré mais j'ai prit cette recette comme guide: Soupe à l'oignon allégée et croutons de fromage frais

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